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How it works new or used:

What do you need to do?
You will need to do your research and find the new or used vehicle you want. Most likely there will be only one trip to the dealership only to drive the car.
We'll need your account number with who are financed with (if there is a payoff) so I can get the payoff, photos and condition of your car. Are you trading for the same brand? There may be loyalty cash. The finance rate is determined by your credit score. We will discuss this together once you have decided to use our service in reference to not have your credit run numerous times which you do not want. Depending on where you live will decide which credit report the dealer and bank will view. Equifax, Transunion or Experian. 
For some high line vehicles we may need more information from you. OTHERWISE THAT'S IT. Just sign up and YOU'RE DONE until you take delivery of your new car.
There is so much work and time that goes into each and every customer that our services are split up between car costs. Ours is a one-time fee and you will NEVER be billed for more no matter how much time is involved. Our experts take over as soon as you select a package. It usually takes 48 hours for us to do our work before your car is delivered. For some dealerships it may take a tad bit longer mostly because the dealership may be hard to deal with. They do not like our service because we are more concerned about saving you money rather than making them money.
Remember that you will always be welcome in anyone's service department no matter how good of deal you got. The service department is a separate entity and only cares about making their own money. 
Once you have selected your service package your Car Negotiator will be notified and immediately and follow-up with you. On our first communication with each other we will discuss your purchase in detail.
1. We will talk about the car you chose with all options and color choices.
2. You will let us know where you drove the car, and if they had the car in stock. We use many dealers and will find the one who is going to give you the best deal. If it's a used car then you'll have to tell us where you saw it and if you are open to like models.
3. We will discuss with you where you want to be on payments, how much money down, lease or purchase, your credit, availability, time line and every aspect of the deal.
4. Once we know exactly what you want we will then contact the dealer, the part you all dread. We will never mention your name or give them information until we are close to closing the deal. At this point we will negotiate on your behalf. We will work with them diligently and can tell you that there is no way GUARANTEED that anyone will get a lower price than we will. The art of negotiating the deal is what we do. This is exactly why you hired us!
5. We will give you a fair trade value on your current car if trading so you won't have to worry about that. Let's face it, everyone thinks their car is mint condition. You will look at what they are selling for elsewhere and think that's what you should get. It does not work that way. Listen I am working for you and not being paid by the dealer for anything so it's in my best interest to get you the most I can. Trust me I'll work them for every penny. When someone does not buy and asked why the answer most often stated is, "they didn't give me enough for my trade". 
6. We will negotiate the finance rate if you are financing. You have no idea how many customers I've witnessed that whether or not they have good, average or poor credit have been taken advantage in regards to the interest rate. This works for both leasing and purchasing. The dealer may not make much on the front end of the deal so they make it up on the back end. I've worked at dealerships where they AVERAGE over $3500 per car on the back end. That's an average meaning that if they sell say 100 cars a month, that's an extra $350,000.00 in dealership profit on only a 100 car store. This will not happen when you use the Car Negotiator. I have ways of finding out what's called the buy-rate. In laymen terms this is the rate the bank gives the dealership BEFORE the dealership ads points to the rate. Say the buy rate is 5.9% APR but the dealership tells you they did very good for you and got you 7.9%. They just made two points. Yes, this is legal. We will make certain you get the buy rate. The same goes for a lease where the dealer will run the lease on tier 3 when you are actually a tier 1. They feel ok with it especially on repeat customers then just go on with their day like nothing happened explaining it as only doing their job. Not sure about you but my job does not include ripping off my customers. If you are a member of a Credit Union or your insurance company gives loan this could save you money as well. We will talk about getting pre-approved before you shop.
7. We tell the dealer how we are going to make the deal and do not let them tell us how they are going to make the deal. We have yelled and screamed, gone back and forth, debated and have always looked out for your best interests.
8. Once the negotiating is finished we will talk to figure out when a good delivery date would be. I will call the dealership and set up your delivery. We know the salesperson (in all dealerships a salesperson will be assigned to the deal) did not make any money on a very short deal so I recommend giving him/her a small token of appreciation. After all it's not their fault and they will go over the car with you to your satisfaction.
9. So much time and care goes into every customer. In the end we're certain that this will be one of the best investments you ever made saving 2 of your most valuable assets, TIME and MONEY!
10. We are excited for you and your new or pre-owned car! With a team of experts working for you, you can win the car buying experience.
11. TrueCar which is the search engine for many buying programs including USAA, Geico, State Farm, Costco and MANY other sources DOES get paid by the dealership. I can tell you from experience dealerships signed up with TrueCar make a heck of a lot of money from TrueCar customers. Don't be fooled.


How do you know the negotiated price and the monthly payment you are being told is actually the correct lease payment for that negotiated selling price?  Great Question!  Most people negotiate monthly payments when negotiating a lease deal. There are only a small percentage of price is correct?  Great Question!  The answer is YOU DO NOT KNOW!  You trust the dealership to do the right thing.  Even if the consumer can read and understand the lease contract, even if they actually see the same selling price they negotiated as the purchase price of the lease, CAN THEY STILL BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF BY THE CAR DEALERSHIP!  The answer is YES! Most car dealerships who discount the vehicle for the lease will then turn around and mark up the money factor and take back all of the discount PLUS MUCH MORE!  HOW CAN THE DEALERSHIP DO THIS?  What does it mean to MARK UP THE INTEREST RATE?  Car dealerships are licensed brokers for banks and leasing companies, there is a BANKING LICENSE on the wall of the business managers office.  As a broker “of money“ Car Dealers can mark up the interest rate as much as 200 basis points or 2% APR LEGALLY, that is a Hugh amount of mark up which is pure profit!  If a car dealer marks up the interest rate on a lease 2 points and the vehicle is worth $40,000  then the dealer will earn a lease reserve from the bank or leasing company equal to about $2,000.00  That $2,000 comes directly from the additional interest charged by the car dealer.  This is especially important when the Consumers credit is not so good but approvable. So if 2 points equal $2,000 profit to the Car Dealer, then 1points is $1,000. ALL WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE… When consumers think they can out negotiate a professional Automobile Sales Manager IT WILL NOT HAPPEN, You will think you did a great job, but in reality THE SALES MANAGER HAS THE ABILITY TO MOVE MONEY AROUND ON A BANK CONTRACT LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA.  Plus there are MANY OTHER AREAS THAT THE DEALERS CAN MARK-UP AND YOU WOULD HAVE NO IDEA YOU ARE OVERPAYING! 


Hire a Professional from Automobile Executives to Negotiate in your best interests!  Know the EXACT SELLING PRICE of the vehicle PLUS Know the exact rates to be sure the dealership is NOT marking up the rates SO YOU CAN GET THE BEST DEAL POSSIBLE. 



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